English translation for "driving games"
- 竞速游戏
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Crazy four - wheel - drives games - 4455 miniclip games 疯狂四驱车小游戏- 4399小游戏 | | 2. | Off - road four - wheel - drives games - 4455 miniclip games 越野四驱车小游戏- 4399小游戏 | | 3. | 4455 off - road four - wheel - drives games 更多同类游戏 | | 4. | Off - road four - wheel - drives games 越野四驱车小游戏 | | 5. | Crazy four - wheel - drives games 疯狂四驱车小游戏 | | 6. | The funniest one is very exciting driving games , using your car at the headquarters under the command of the fastest will be the guests to a designated location , the game was tight . but to tell drivers the same time , do not forget to safety , others dug up was not the lao 一个非常刺激搞笑的驾驶游戏,用你的车在总部的指挥下用最快的速度将客人载到指定的地点,游戏非常紧张,但是在告诉驾驶的同时不要忘记注意安全,把别人压坏可不是闹着玩的。 | | 7. | Introduction : the funniest one is very exciting driving games , using your car at the headquarters under the command of the fastest will be the guests to a designated location , the game was tight . but to tell drivers the same time , do not forget to safety , others dug up was not the lao 一个非常刺激搞笑的驾驶游戏,用你的车在总部的指挥下用最快的速度将客人载到指定的地点,游戏非常紧张,但是在告诉驾驶的同时不要忘记注意安全,把别人压坏可不是闹着玩的。 |
- Similar Words:
- "driving forcetm pro" English translation, "driving frequency" English translation, "driving friction ring" English translation, "driving function" English translation, "driving game" English translation, "driving gas" English translation, "driving gate" English translation, "driving gear" English translation, "driving gear ,speedometer" English translation, "driving gear assembly" English translation